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Barn Lab Education

Horse Education


1. Horse Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the physical structure of horses, their major organ systems, and how they function.


2. Horse Behavior: Learning about horse behavior patterns, communication methods, and social dynamics between one another. 


3. Horse Breeds and History: Knowledge of different horse breeds, their characteristics, and their historical roles.


4. Horse Nutrition: Understanding what horses eat, nutritional requirements, and diet management.


5. Healthcare and Grooming: Basic horse healthcare, recognizing signs of illness, grooming techniques, and preventive care.


6. Training and Riding: Techniques for training horses, different riding styles, and safety measures while riding.


Barn Education


1. Barn Design and Maintenance: The design of horse stables and barns for optimal safety and comfort, and their ongoing maintenance.


2. Equipment and Supplies: Understanding the various equipment used in horse care and barn management, and how to maintain them.


3. Stall Management/ Maintenance: Understanding the importance of keeping your horses' stalls cleaned and safe. 


4. Emergency Preparedness: Plans for emergencies such as injuries, natural disasters, or health epidemics.

5. Fly and insect control: Ensuring during the summer months the barn has all the fly control it needs, as well as any other insects you may encounter throughout the different seasons.


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(925) 407-7211

1111 Stone Valley Rd

Alamo, CA 94507

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